[one-users] Cannot create images using Sunstone self-service Cloud View 4.2

Gerry O'Brien gerry at scss.tcd.ie
Fri Oct 4 00:45:42 PDT 2013


         Simply switching the views from cloud to the default user 
allows for image creation so I don't think the problem is related to the 
marketplace connection as suggested in my first email. Below are the 
differences between the default user view  and my modified cloud view 
settings. I did not enable Image.chmod in an attempt to stop cloud users 
making their images available to others. Are there additional changes 
that I should make?


oneadmi:/etc/one/sunstone-views$ diff user.yaml cloud.yaml
<     vresources-tab: true
 >     vresources-tab: false
<     files-tab: true
<     infra-tab: true
 >     files-tab: false
 >     infra-tab: false
<     datastores-tab: true
 >     datastores-tab: false
<             - network
<             - storage
 >             #- network
 >             #- storage
<             VM.create_dialog: true
<             VM.easy_provision: false
 >             VM.create_dialog: false
 >             VM.easy_provision: true
<             VM.resize: true
 >             VM.resize: false
<             VM.attachnic: true
<             VM.detachnic: true
 >             VM.attachnic: false
 >             VM.detachnic: false
<             Template.create_dialog: true
<             Template.easy_provision: false
 >             Template.create_dialog: false
 >             Template.easy_provision: true
<             #- 6         # Size
<             - 7        # Type
<             #- 8         # Registration time
<             #- 9        # Persistent
 >             - 6         # Size
 >             - 7         # Type
 >             - 8         # Registration time
 >             - 9         # Persistent
<             Image.chmod: true
 >             Image.chmod: false

On 03/10/2013 18:53, Gerry O'Brien wrote:
> Hi,
>     I have enabled image creation in the cloud.yaml  view (see below). 
> But while the green create button appears, if I press it all that 
> happens is that I'm dumped into the dashboard page and get the message 
> "Error Cannot connect to OpenNebula Marketplace".
>     Our systems are behind a proxy but I have had to delete the 
> http_proxy shell variable as otherwise sunstone can't talk to the oned 
> daemon if it goes through the proxy. I've also tried configuring 
> sunstone-server.conf to go directly to oned at 127.0.01 but that 
> doesn't work either.
>     Any ideas on this? A cloud user not being able to create an image 
> is a great limitation to my mind. My hunch is that it is connected to 
> the failure to connect to the marketplace. I've also commented in and 
> out the market place settings in sunstone-server.conf but this has 
> made no difference.
>                 Regards,
>                     Gerry
>    images-tab:
>         panel_tabs:
>             image_info_panel: true
>         table_columns:
>             - 0         # Checkbox
>             - 1         # ID
>             - 2         # Owner
>             - 3         # Group
>             - 4         # Name
>             - 5         # Datastore
>             - 6         # Size
>             - 7         # Type
>             - 8         # Registration time
>             - 9         # Persistent
>             - 10        # Status
>             - 11        # #VMs
>             #- 12       # Target
>         actions:
>             Image.refresh: true
>             Image.create_dialog: true
>             Image.chown: false
>             Image.chgrp: false
>             Image.chmod: false
>             Image.enable: true
>             Image.disable: true
>             Image.persistent: true
>             Image.nonpersistent: true
>             Image.clone_dialog: true
>             Image.delete: true

Gerry O'Brien

Systems Manager
School of Computer Science and Statistics
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2

00 353 1 896 1341

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