[one-users] Using images accessible to the nodes but not to the server?

Ismael Farfán sulfurfff at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 10:47:41 PDT 2011

2011/10/7 Ismael Farfán:
> Hello list
> I was allowed to use some nodes from a cluster as worker nodes,
> I can access directly to them using ssh, the nodes share a common
> NFS filesystem.
> My server is in a different location, so I can't mount the NFS share
> from it, and the connection between the nodes and the server is
> rather slow.
> **I copied the VM disks to the NFS share, so I'd like to know if it's
> possible to configure ONE to allow me to use VM images that the
> worker nodes can see but not the server.**
> So far everything else seems to work, if I copy the deployment.0
> to the worker node and edit the path to the image, I can successfully
> create the image using
> virsh -c 'qemu:///system' create deployment.0
> (though I have to delete the definition of the cdrom used for the
> contextualization of the VM)
> So, any ideas?
> --
> Do not let me induce you to satisfy my curiosity, from an expectation,
> that I shall gratify yours. What I may judge proper to conceal, does
> not concern myself alone.


It's probably not the best solution, but I borrowed tm_clone and tm_ln
from tm_nfs, and the rest of the files from tm_ssh to create my own tm
stuff, I had to modify the clone and ln files to ssh the remote hosts
instead of executing in the local system.

So far cloning seems to work fine, with contextualization and everything,
but I'm having problems with ln
[VMM][I]: error: unable to set user and group to '107:107' on
'/var/lib/one//16/images/disk.0': Invalid argument
I blame it in the security configuration of the NFS server since it doesn't
allow me to use certain groups even as root.

At least I'm on the road again.


Do not let me induce you to satisfy my curiosity, from an expectation,
that I shall gratify yours. What I may judge proper to conceal, does
not concern myself alone.

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