[one-users] Getting closer

Robert Schweikert rschweikert at novell.com
Mon Jun 13 11:24:14 PDT 2011


Thanks for all the help so far, getting closer to getting things 
working. I have now managed to setup a head node with oned running and a 
cloud node to dispatch VMs. Both built as appliances and the cloud node 
registers itself with the head node. Write up on this will follow on 
openSUSE as soon as I can actually get a guest to run.

I have created a qcow2 format image that I can start manually on the 
cloud node as follows:

# kvm filename.qcow2 -vnc

 From another machine that runs X I can then use

-> vncviewer

and access the running VM.

However, the OpenNebula VM created from the same image results in the 
following error:

Starting SeaBIOS (version 0.5.1-......)

gPXE (http:......) .......

Booting from Hard Disk....
Boot failed: not a bootable disk

No bottable device

The description of the VM is as follows:

NAME   = suse-test
MEMORY = 512
CPU    = 1

OS     = [ ARCH = x86_64,
            BOOT = hd,
            ROOT = sda1 ]

DISK   = [ IMAGE_ID  = 1 ]

NIC    = [ MAC = "00:16:3e:7e:18:26",
            BRIDGE = br0 ]

GRAPHICS = [ TYPE   = "vnc",
              LISTEN = "",
              PORT   = "5905" ]

I take it the failure has something to do with the virtual disk layout. 
When I loop mount the .raw disk image that was used to generate the 
qcow2 image

# losetup /dev/loop0  filename.raw
# kpartx  -a /dev/loop0

I can verify that the disk has only 1 partition (expected to show up as 
/dev/sda1) in the VM. I can also verify this in the VM I started with 
kvm directly.

The created image has an MBR that contains GRUB.

How do I get this image to run on OpenNebula?

Let me know if I missed any important information needed to help with 
this issue.


Robert Schweikert                           MAY THE SOURCE BE WITH YOU
SUSE-IBM Software Integration Center                   LINUX
Tech Lead
rschweikert at novell.com
rschweikert at ca.ibm.com

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