[one-users] OpenNebula 2.0 works fine, OpenNebula 2.0.1 does not

Alexander Fedulov alexander.fedulov at fokus.fraunhofer.de
Thu Jan 20 10:13:01 PST 2011

It worked! After adding the following to the deployment descriptor:
OS = [ arch = "x86_64" ]
VM booted successfully. Please consider adding this information 
explicitly into configuration documentation.

Thank you!

Alexander Fedulov

On 20.01.2011 11:20, Ruben S. Montero wrote:
> Hi,
> OpenNebula 2.0.1 solves a bug with recent versions of libvirt which 
> requires the arch attrbute. This attribute is set per VM in the OS 
> section like OS = [ arch = "i686" ] or in etc/vmm_kvm/vmm_ssh_kvm.conf
> By default the driver defines i686 arch. May be you are using x86_64 
> images...
> Could you check this?
> Thanks
> Ruben
> On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 2:32 PM, Alexander Fedulov 
> <alexander.fedulov at fokus.fraunhofer.de 
> <mailto:alexander.fedulov at fokus.fraunhofer.de>> wrote:
>     I compiled the 2.0.1 version of open nebula on the same machine,
>     where the previous one (2.0) was installed and performed
>     correctly. I moved the old "one" to another directory and replaced
>     it with the new installation. Everything seems  to work fine just
>     up to the moment when the VM has to be booted.
>     From the perspective of ON the VM is in "runn" state, but it does
>     not actually boot up. When using my own image of Ubuntu (which
>     works fine with 2.0 version) and connecting via VNC I only see a
>     black screen and an underline symbol in the left upper corner. The
>     old ttylinux image that I have does not work as well, but the
>     fresh downloaded one does. I was wondering whether I should change
>     something in my images in order for them to work with 2.0.1? I am
>     pretty much lost, so many thanks for any hints in advance.
>     Best regards,
>     Alexander
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> -- 
> Dr. Ruben Santiago Montero
> Associate Professor (Profesor Titular), Complutense University of Madrid
> URL: http://dsa-research.org/doku.php?id=people:ruben
> Weblog: http://blog.dsa-research.org/?author=7

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