[one-users] BOOTPROTO, DHCP_HOSTNAME, and vm IPs in Sunstone

kerryhall . kerryhall at gmail.com
Wed Sep 17 17:35:16 PDT 2014

I would definitely not prefer that the vm manage the IP. What I would like
to do upon new vm creation:

1. VM gets spun up with BOOTPROTO=dhcp
2. VM gets spun up with DHCP_HOSTNAME=$NAME
3. IP given to the VM by the dhcp server on my network is then the IP that
is listed in sunstone for that VM.

1. There is no way to achieve item 1 in ONE out of the box, I have to
either write a bash script that gets run on VM spin up, or create an image
that does this.
2. I can set the _hostname_ via template, but in order to set DHCP_HOSTNAME
again I have to run a bash script on spin up.
3. There is no way to accomplish item 3, outside of writing a bash script
that runs on my head node that grabs IP data and dumps it into the
database. Certainly this is not preferable.

These three items taken all together suggest that including the option to
easily support DHCP out of the box would be a nice feature to have.

I'm working on a bash script currently for 1 and 2, but for item 3 I am out
of luck.

I hope that makes sense. Let me know if it doesn't and I would be happy to
clarify further. Thank you for your help!!

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