[one-users] Opennebula and openvswitch problem.

Campbell, Bill bcampbell at axcess-financial.com
Fri Apr 4 06:48:15 PDT 2014

Can you send the chunk of the log surrounding that error?  I've not run into
any issues around that so long as appropriate permissions/sudo privileges
are configured.


From: Leszek Master [mailto:keksior at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2014 7:10 AM
To: Campbell, Bill
Cc: Users OpenNebula; Stefan Kooman
Subject: Re: [one-users] Opennebula and openvswitch problem.


Ubuntu server 14.04 doesn't have opennebula in repo. So i decidec to do
Campbell way. I've installed clean Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS, added cloud
repository and installed everything. I've got the same error:


failed: error: Unable to add bridge br0 port vnet0: Operation not supported


It still doesn't work without brcompat :(. Now i have to manually downgrade
openvswitch version from 1.10.2 to 1.4.6 to get brcompat working.





2014-04-04 9:03 GMT+02:00 Leszek Master <keksior at gmail.com
<mailto:keksior at gmail.com> >:

I've ended on the new deployment of opennebula on clean installation of
ubuntu server 14.04. I've had too many problems with settings this
production ready. I'll write a feedback after setting it up.


2014-04-03 21:50 GMT+02:00 Campbell, Bill <bcampbell at axcess-financial.com
<mailto:bcampbell at axcess-financial.com> >:


I use the Libvirt provided on the Ubuntu Cloud Archive (along with Qemu and
Open vSwitch packages) and everything works well out of the box.


From: Leszek Master [mailto:keksior at gmail.com <mailto:keksior at gmail.com> ] 
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2014 3:43 PM
To: Campbell, Bill
Cc: Users OpenNebula; Stefan Kooman

Subject: Re: [one-users] Opennebula and openvswitch problem.


I described this parameters in the datastore before. I've added the
port) and rest of the attributes that were added automatically after i
choose ceph datastore type. It worked like a charm before i've upgraded my
libvirt. Is it possible that i've compiled libvirt without ceph support
(i've added flag --with-storage-rbd)? Or maybe i need to compile something
more than only libvirt 1.0?


2014-04-03 21:00 GMT+02:00 Campbell, Bill <bcampbell at axcess-financial.com
<mailto:bcampbell at axcess-financial.com> >:

Libvirt versions greater than 1.0 handle clusters with CephX authentication
differently.  It is no longer as simple as adding the ceph.conf and keyring
to the /etc/ceph directory, you MUST specify a libvirt secret and cluster
configuration information within the VM definition file (using the
attributes for the datastores as specified in the OpenNebula documentation
for Ceph Datastores).  Libvirt before would just look into the /etc/ceph
directory for information if the appropriate configuration information did
not exist, yet the new versions expect that information in the definition,
otherwise it assumes there is NO cephx authentication in use.



From: "Leszek Master" <keksior at gmail.com <mailto:keksior at gmail.com> >
To: "Bill Campbell" <bcampbell at axcess-financial.com
<mailto:bcampbell at axcess-financial.com> >

Cc: "Users OpenNebula" <users at lists.opennebula.org
<mailto:users at lists.opennebula.org> >, "Stefan Kooman" <stefan at bit.nl
<mailto:stefan at bit.nl> >
Sent: Thursday, April 3, 2014 1:30:59 PM

Subject: Re: [one-users] Opennebula and openvswitch problem.


Yes i'm using ceph. It happened after compiling libvirt from sources to
version 1.0.

3 kwi 2014 19:29 "Campbell, Bill" <bcampbell at axcess-financial.com
<mailto:bcampbell at axcess-financial.com> > napisaƂ(a):

That looks like it's having a problem locating the disk file.  Are you using



From: "Leszek Master" <keksior at gmail.com <mailto:keksior at gmail.com> >
To: "Bill Campbell" <bcampbell at axcess-financial.com
<mailto:bcampbell at axcess-financial.com> >
Cc: "Stefan Kooman" <stefan at bit.nl <mailto:stefan at bit.nl> >, "Users
OpenNebula" <users at lists.opennebula.org <mailto:users at lists.opennebula.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 3, 2014 12:19:09 PM
Subject: Re: [one-users] Opennebula and openvswitch problem.


I tried this now, the same error:


migrate: Command "virsh --connect qemu:///system migrate --live one-9
qemu+ssh://node-01/system" failed: error: cannot open file 'one/one-4-9-0':
No such file or directory


I can migrate a VM to other VM's with older virsh version, may it be because
the difference in virsh versions?



2014-04-03 13:35 GMT+02:00 Campbell, Bill <bcampbell at axcess-financial.com
<mailto:bcampbell at axcess-financial.com> >:

You could also leverage the Ubuntu Cloud Archive to update Open vSwitch, I
believe the version on that official PPA is the version referenced as fixing
that bug in the link provided.

We use 12.04.x LTS w/ packages from the cloud archive and have no issues.



From: "Stefan Kooman" <stefan at bit.nl <mailto:stefan at bit.nl> >
To: "Leszek Master" <keksior at gmail.com <mailto:keksior at gmail.com> >
Cc: "Users OpenNebula" <users at lists.opennebula.org
<mailto:users at lists.opennebula.org> >
Sent: Thursday, April 3, 2014 5:01:12 AM

Subject: Re: [one-users] Opennebula and openvswitch problem.


Quoting Leszek Master (keksior at gmail.com <mailto:keksior at gmail.com> ):
> I'm waiting for official relese of next LTS version, i can use only LTS in
> my production, so i was testing it on the 12.04. If there isn't any
> official manual how ot solve this problem i'll upgrade my distro and try
> then :) Thanks for your help.


Precise/quantal suffers from this bug:


Fixed in newer releases: saucy / trusty (tested by me). This is apart
from the legacy bridging stuff. With virtualization development
happening so quickly I would recommend going for newer instead of older.
Hopefully linux 3.14 and Qemu 2.0 will make it into Trusty ...


Gr. Stefan


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