[one-users] Virtual network requirement?

Campbell, Bill bcampbell at axcess-financial.com
Thu Sep 5 08:05:26 PDT 2013

My take on this: 

Do not use DHCP. Utilize the contextualization packages in your VM images that you deploy. Here's what we do in our environment: 

    * AppMarket is configured and holds all of our compressed template base images. These base images are a minimal OS installation, with the contextualization packages installed. 

        * We primarily use persistent images, so we typically pull the images in from the market each time we want to deploy a new VM. 

            * If not using persistent images, then you should only need to define the base template image and go from there. 
We define the virtual network in OpenNebula. This will handle either dynamic or static IP assignment, based on the VM template. Since OpenNebula is smart enough to not deploy VMs with the same allocated IP, then conflicts should not occur.     * The contextualization packages handle the configuration of the IP upon boot, so you don't need to worry about setting it afterwards. 

        * 4.x versions of OpenNebula make network contextualization MUCH easier, as all options are now implied via a simple check box. Network context was a little bit more involved in versions prior. 

Does the above make sense? We avoid using DHCP in our environment and allow OpenNebula to manage IP Address assignments. If we have the need for a virtual IP, we just place a hold in the virtual network and OpenNebula won't assign that IP. 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Kenneth" <kenneth at apolloglobal.net> 
To: "Users" <users at lists.opennebula.org> 
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 7:38:48 AM 
Subject: [one-users] Virtual network requirement? 

Can i create a VM without declaring a network IP for it in Open Nebula sunstone? 

I mean, if I set a VM on sunstone to use with br1 (in the Virtual networks in the section), and the Ubuntu VM boots up (default is dhcp in ubuntu), the IP that is going to be assigned in the VM is the one assigned by my DHCP server. For example the IP that will be given to the VM by the DHCP server will be 

The doesn't make sense at all. What's worse is that the VM will not be able to connect to my LAN if it's IP is I need to *change it manually* so that the *IP in sunstone* is the same as the *IP set in the VM* to be able to communicate in my local LAN. 

It's an extra step to define a network first and then define again in the VM. Any workaround on this? Can't I just decalre an IP to the VM itself and not in sunstone? 

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