[one-users] Passing additional arguments to TM drivers

MENDOZA, John Robert T. bert at asti.dost.gov.ph
Wed Mar 20 03:43:39 PDT 2013

Hi All,

I hope everyone is doing well. :)

Just want to know which part of the OpenNebula code do I have to modify
to pass additional arguments to TM commands?

We're currently running a setup of SSH2LVM where we're using fs
datastore for OS, CDROM, and Datablock raw images. We're using LVM
logical volumes for our running VMs. Now, we're transferring the images
from the datastore to the nodes via SSH and DD it to the local LVs in
the nodes. This is sufficient for OS images as it clones the image and
puts it into the local storage but for empty datablocks, say a 160GB
empty disk image, this takes a while. What we want is to pass the IMAGE
ID to the tm_clone command so that we'll know if we'll be cloning the
image file or, an empty datablock, and if so, just create an LV on the
host node and attach it to the VM.

John Robert Mendoza

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