[one-users] kvm ide limit

Gareth de Vaux opennebula at lordcow.org
Mon Mar 11 08:35:40 PDT 2013

Hi all, I'm trying to create a VM with this template:

NAME = spacewalk
CPU    = 2
MEMORY = 6144

OS = [ ARCH = "x86_64" ]

DISK = [ IMAGE = "spacewalk-server-sl61_p1" ]

DISK = [ IMAGE = "spacewalk-server-p2" ]

NIC = [ MAC    = "40:00:00:00:00:17",
        bridge = "br0" ]

GRAPHICS = [ type   = "vnc",
             listen = "",
             port   = "1031" ]

but it fails with:

error: internal error Only 1 ide controller is supported

Which I see other people reporting, but the docs claim kvm supports
4 ide devices?

I'm using the debian packaged 3.4.1-3.1 version of opennebula,
and qemu-kvm 1.1.2+dfsg-5.

spacewalk-server-sl61_p1 is an image of type OS, spacewalk-server-p2
of type DB.

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