[one-users] CPU Recognition KVM vs. VMware

Markus max.p at live.at
Wed Jan 16 06:41:35 PST 2013


I maintain an heterogeneous OpenNebula environment for a small university project, consisting of 2 KVM nodes an 1 VMware node with ONE 3.6.
All nodes are operating based on an Intel Core i7 870 processor (http://ark.intel.com/products/41315/Intel-Core-i7-870-Processor-8M-Cache-2_93-GHz), 4 physical cores and 8 logical cores.

When looking on the monitored CPU information shown in the Sunstone interface, I get the following output: 
The KVM-nodes show a total CPU value of 800 (8 cores), whereas the VMware-node shows a CPU amount of 400 (4 cores). Is there a reason for this different recognition?
Maybe related to that is that I also experienced a difference in performance and CPU-load-balancing. Does OpenNebula maybe have a different CPU-support between different hypervisors?

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