[one-users] User couldn't be authenticated, aborting call.

rajesh kannan asrajeshkannan at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 21:28:16 PDT 2012

sorry for asking once again because i dont have choice to ask any one so
pls help me ....i had this problem past one month.... i try out all
possibility ....i refer all your passed question on [one_users] ...they are
said about only ONE_AUTH file but am specified correctly .....

i dont know what was the problem pls help..............

//this java program given in opennebula websites

// i made only changes on this only

//passing the parameter username:password and XML-RPC

//then change the vmTemplate Variable

Client oneClient = new Client("oneadmin:onead","http://localhost:2633/RPC2

    String vmTemplate =
          "NAME     = vm_from_java    CPU = 0.1    MEMORY = 64\n"
        + "DISK     = [\n"
        + "\tsource   = \"/var/lib/images/ttylinux.img\",\n"
        + "\ttarget   = \"hda\",\n"
        +"\thostname    = \"$NAME\",\n"
        +"\tip_public   = \"PUBLIC_IP\",\n"
        +"\t root_pubkey = \"id_rsa\",\n"
        +"\tfiles      = \"/var/lib/one/init.sh ~/.ssh/id_rsa\",\n"
        +"\tusername    = \"opennebula\",\n"
        +"\tuser_pubkey = \"id_rsa\",\n"
        + "\treadonly = \"no\" ]\n"
        + "FEATURES = [ acpi=\"no\" ]";

oneadmin at SONY-VAIO:~/lib/java$ javac vmcre.java

oneadmin at SONY-VAIO:~/lib/java$ java vmcre

[VirtualMachineAllocate] User couldn't be authenticated, aborting call.

when i try to install opennebula i did this kind of ssh operation

su -l oneadmin
{Note - all defaults, and no passphrase.}
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
nano ~/.ssh/config
[add below two lines to SSH config file]
Host *

Is there any problem on this????????

Env  variable

oneadmin at SONY-VAIO:~/lib/java$ cat ~/.bash_profile

export ONE_LOCATION=/var/lib/one
export ONE_AUTH=$ONE_LOCATION/.one/one_auth
export ONE_XMLRPC=http://localhost:2633/RPC2

Username:password ONE_AUTH file

oneadmin at SONY-VAIO:~/lib/java$ cat ~/.one/one_auth



oneadmin at SONY-VAIO:~/lib/java$ cat ~/etc/oned.conf

    executable = "one_auth_mad",
arguments  = "--authn ssh,x509,ldap,server_cipher,server_x509" ]

uncomment this line also

i dont know what else suppose to do to recover this problem

sorry for distrub

i need to finish the project on this month pls help me

if u know something else do on this pls mail me

................if know please help...................
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