[one-users] VM description/comment

knawnd at gmail.com knawnd at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 07:02:28 PDT 2012

Dear list,

I wonder if there is any way to specify some text as a description/comment for a certain VM in order 
to be able toquery such info later e.g. during 'onevm list' command execution. I just don't want to 
get lost in all my VMs and which one is for what.
I would like to have something like
$ onevm list
     ID USER     GROUP    NAME            STAT UCPU UMEM HOST             TIME    DESCRIPTION
     11 oneadmin oneadmin one-11          runn 100 1G <host1> 0d 02h07            web-server
     12 oneadmin oneadmin one-12          runn 1001G <host1> 0d 02h03            mail-server
     13 oneadmin oneadmin one-13          runn    100  1G <host2> 0d 00h17            development server


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