[one-users] sudoers file is missing on esxi 5.0

Michael Rebstock rusreb at rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed May 9 00:29:29 PDT 2012

Hello everyone,


I am trying out OpenNebula for our organization and we're using ESXi  5.0.0
on our hosts. 

In the VMware driver section
(http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel3.4:evmwareg) you write the


"The access via SSH needs to be passwordless. Please follow the next steps
to configure the ESX node:


    login to the esx host (ssh <esx-host>)

    become root (su)

    $ sudo chmod +w /etc/sudoers

    $ sudo vi /etc/sudoers

    Comment the following line


#Defaults requiretty


    $ sudo chmod -w /etc/sudoers [...]"


The problem is that there is no such file "sudoers" on the Host. What can I
do? Can I simply skip this step or will this lead in later problems?

Is this step only necessary to gain password less connection to the host? If
yes: this already works. 


We would be glad to have your explanation.


Best Regards



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