[one-users] Mandatory attributes with default value ?

Ruben S. Montero rsmontero at opennebula.org
Mon May 21 14:21:31 PDT 2012

> OK, for the general case, but at the time instanciation will be
> performed, the real hypervisor will be, so there could be a check at
> that time, for instance of a lacking OS:ARCH when deploying for kvm.

In that case the user will not be notified. IMHO the only valid point
these checks is when the template is created, the result of this
operation is notified to the client. If we postpone the check (once
the VM is going to be deployed) we can only log it in vm.log. Compared
to the current situation we will only save a prolog operation which
can be very expensive, though.

> Hmmm... so, the intent is to have a same template which could be
> deployed on hosts using different hypervisors on the same cloud ? I'm
> not sure I understand the rationale. Could you elaborate a bit more ?

You may have a cluster with Xen and KVM hypervisors for example a simple

MEMORY = 128
CPU = 1

DISK = [ IMAGE = "Debian" ]

will do  for both of them, however we may need some OS values for KVM
like arch, or we may need an specific ramdisk/kernel for a
para-virtualized Xen.

Moreover, in a hybrid setup the above template can be complemented with

EC2 = [ AMI="ami-00bafcb5",

where ami-00bafcb5 is your EC2 equivalent for the IMAGE "Debian".

So we will need different hypervisor values for the template depending
on the target hypervisor, KVM, Xen or EC2 Cloud

> I'm not sure I could spot the docs changes (3.4's ?)... but great if you could
> improve it ;)
> Anyway, back to the problem I exhibited :

> Should I then file a bug report asking to removal of the default i686
> for OS:ARCH in the case of kvm, and requesting addition of a check for
> one explicit setting ?

Do you mean that you'd like to see a check for a non-empty OS:ARCH
rather than providing a default in case the user do not specify it?

Thanks for your feedback!


> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> --
> Olivier BERGER
> http://www-public.it-sudparis.eu/~berger_o/ - OpenPGP-Id: 2048R/5819D7E8
> Ingenieur Recherche - Dept INF
> Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, Evry (France)

Ruben S. Montero, PhD
Project co-Lead and Chief Architect
OpenNebula - The Open Source Solution for Data Center Virtualization
www.OpenNebula.org | rsmontero at opennebula.org | @OpenNebula

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