[one-users] Mandatory attributes with default value ?

Olivier Berger olivier.berger at it-sudparis.eu
Mon May 21 08:51:36 PDT 2012

On Mon, 21 May 2012 13:04:30 +0200, "Ruben S. Montero" <rsmontero at opennebula.org> wrote:
> Hi
> As you outline in your email, there are some parameters which are
> mandatory for an specific hypervisor (and may not be mandatory for
> another one). So, in general OpenNebula will not know if the host use
> for the VM is going to be Xen, KVM or even EC2.

OK, for the general case, but at the time instanciation will be
performed, the real hypervisor will be, so there could be a check at
that time, for instance of a lacking OS:ARCH when deploying for kvm.

> We came out with a defaults file, where you could put defaults for
> those hypervisor-mandatory attributes. This way we could keep the
> templates abstract enough, and there is no need to specify, let say
> BOOT for every single template.

Hmmm... so, the intent is to have a same template which could be
deployed on hosts using different hypervisors on the same cloud ? I'm
not sure I understand the rationale. Could you elaborate a bit more ?

> Then, why not use that file also to provide defaults for specific
> hypervisor attributes (e.g. caching algorithm for I/O operation on
> DISK). Unfortunately the documentation lagged behind the new uses for
> the file....
> Thanks for the heads up!

You're welcome.

> We've already updated the documentaion, to (hopefully) better reflect this ;)

I'm not sure I could spot the docs changes (3.4's ?)... but great if you could
improve it ;)

Anyway, back to the problem I exhibited : 
> >
> > Indeed, if the ARCH is not defined, I experience problems booting an
> > amd64 image on my amd64 host, since kvm is provided with some 32 bit
> > emulation param (-cpu qemu32, see http://bugs.debian.org/673173)
> >
> > Shouldn't the mandatory args be checked and an error reported ?
> >

Should I then file a bug report asking to removal of the default i686
for OS:ARCH in the case of kvm, and requesting addition of a check for
one explicit setting ?

Or maybe I didn't understand the meaning of these defaults... :-/

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Olivier BERGER 
http://www-public.it-sudparis.eu/~berger_o/ - OpenPGP-Id: 2048R/5819D7E8
Ingenieur Recherche - Dept INF
Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, Evry (France)

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