[one-users] Host resources statistical error!

Carlos Martín Sánchez cmartin at opennebula.org
Tue Jun 12 07:11:25 PDT 2012


What OpenNebula version are you using? There was a bug in older versions
that sometimes caused these strange usage values. It was triggered when
several VMs had the same name.

Carlos Martín, MSc
Project Engineer
OpenNebula - The Open-source Solution for Data Center Virtualization
www.OpenNebula.org | cmartin at opennebula.org |
@OpenNebula<http://twitter.com/opennebula><cmartin at opennebula.org>

On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 7:47 AM, 刘德伟 <david1228 at foxmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>    [oneadmin at container-16 ~]$ onehost list
>    ID NAME               RVM   TCPU   FCPU   ACPU   TMEM   FMEM   AMEM
>    9 vm-container-16      4   1600   1473   1200    16G  12.5G  19.4G
> on
>    AMEM(19.4G) greater than TMEM(16G), this phenomenon often appear in
> other environment.
>    It leads to obtain XML data was wrong.
>         <DISK_USAGE>0</DISK_USAGE>
>         <MEM_USAGE>-32243712</MEM_USAGE>
>         <CPU_USAGE>0</CPU_USAGE>
>         <MAX_DISK>0</MAX_DISK>
>         <MAX_MEM>8046480</MAX_MEM>
>         <MAX_CPU>400</MAX_CPU>
>         <FREE_DISK>0</FREE_DISK>
>         <FREE_MEM>7633692</FREE_MEM>
>         <FREE_CPU>399</FREE_CPU>
>         <USED_DISK>0</USED_DISK>
>         <USED_MEM>412788</USED_MEM>
>         <USED_CPU>0</USED_CPU>
>     </HOST_SHARE>
>    MEM_USAGE become negative , at the same time the virtual machine
> scheduling is affected, also we call to XML-RPC have an effect.
>    What was the reason for the cases above ?
> regards!
> David.
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