[one-users] VM in unknown state never gets updated

Gary S. Cuozzo gary at isgsoftware.net
Wed Dec 5 19:04:34 PST 2012

I'm testing my TM driver and using the pre/postmigrate scripts in 3.8.1. Due to a bug in the postmigrate script, I have a VM that successfully migrated from one host to the other, but since the postmigrate returned non-zero status, the migration was considered to be failed by ONE and the VM was put into the UNKOWN state. I figured ONE would eventually poll the hosts and realize that the VM was running and update the state of the VM as well as the host it's running on. It never picked up on it though. 

It seems like ONE should be able to recover from this since it should be able to poll the hosts and find out that it is running on one of them. Is there some way to tell ONE to update the state? Or tell it to scan for it? 

Since it's just a test VM I can just delete & recreate it, but I think this is a use case that ONE should be able to handle. 

Any thoughts? 


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