[one-users] Hybrid Cloud with some instances of OpenNebula

Marcin Jarzab mj at agh.edu.pl
Thu Aug 9 03:34:26 PDT 2012


There are some tutorials describing hybrid cloud setup of OpenNebula and 
Amazon AWS.
As far I understand vmm and im ec2 drivers are implemented for 
compatibility with AWS EC2?

I'm wondering what about compatibility of EC2 exposed by the OpenNebula.
If ruby one_vmm_ec2.rb script is able to interact with OpenNebula Ec2?

Maybe there are some tutorials describing hybrid cloud setup consisting 
of two OpenNebula installations.
I suppose the the biggest challenge is to configure EC2 plugin and HTTPS 
connector including PKI?

Ph.D. Eng. Marcin Jarzab
mj at agh.edu.pl

Department of Computer Science
AGH University of Science and Technology
Kawiory 21, Building D17, 30-055  Krakow, POLAND
phone: +48 (12) 328 33 72

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