[one-users] Install Ozones Gems for Opennebula 3.0 in Ubuntu LTS 10.04

Alberto Picón Couselo alpicon1 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 13:00:03 PDT 2011


I'm trying to install required rubygems for ozones_server in Ubuntu LTS 
10.04, but the installer fails with the following message:

#~:/usr/share/one# ./install_gems ozones_server
About to install the gems for these components:
* ozones_server

Press enter to continue...

rake="/usr/bin/rake" gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc json
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
Successfully installed json-1.6.1
1 gem installed
rake="/usr/bin/rake" gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc data_mapper
ERROR:  Error installing data_mapper:
         multi_json requires RubyGems version >= 1.3.6
Error installing data_mapper

Please, can you give me any clues to install rubygems in Ubuntu LTS 10.04?

Best Regards,

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