[one-users] Authentication problem. Opennebula 3.0 on, debian squeeze

Rolandas Naujikas rolandas.naujikas at mif.vu.lt
Mon Nov 14 05:44:23 PST 2011


In case of Debian 6.0.2 install of opennebula 3.0 init script
(/etc/init.d/opennebula) creates /var/lib/one/auth with random oneadmin
password and initialize DB with it (and setups env
ONE_AUTH=/var/lib/one/auth for server). I also lost several hours trying
to find the cause of authentication errors.

Regards, Rolandas Naujikas

P.S. My solution was to make a symlink auth -> .one/one_auth in
/var/lib/one (before moving working auth file to .one/one_auth).

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