[one-users] VM stuck in "migration" state - migration never issued(Xen)

Thomas Knauth thomas.knauth at gmx.de
Tue Jun 28 00:45:36 PDT 2011

> I just resoved a similar issue on my installation with xen: originally I
> didn't set a fixed memory for Dom0 and, then, OpenNebula monitor didn't
> recognize the real amount of free ram on the host: in fact OpenNebula
> thinked the host was full of ram because Linux Bufferization and, then,
> didn't migrate the VM.

The Dom0's have a fixed amount of memory. Also, TMEM and FMEM shown by
onehost list indicate enough memory resources for the VM.

Just this morning I couldn't even boot VMs. The VM would go from
pending, to prolog, to boot, and hang there. When checking
/var/log/auth.log, the actual command for booting the VM was never
issued on the target host.

But then, 30min later, it did work again (starting and migrating VMs).
I'm frustrated by this seemingly random behavior ...

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