[one-users] RPM spec file, mm_sched, and oned

Dan Yocum yocum at fnal.gov
Tue Oct 12 04:45:43 PDT 2010

Javier, et al.,

I see in the spec file that you're building mm_sched and oned outside of 
the scons build even though it's getting built by scons.


Here's what I'm seeing (I've added spaces for legibility):

scons -j2 sqlite_dir=$PWD/sqlite mysql=yes

g++ -o src/scheduler/src/sched/mm_sched 
src/scheduler/src/sched/mm_sched.o -Lsrc/scheduler/src/xml 
-Lsrc/scheduler/src/pool -Lsrc/scheduler/src/sched -Lsrc/log 
-Lsrc/common -lxml2 -lz -lm -lnebula_common -lscheduler_sched 
-lscheduler_pool -lnebula_log -lscheduler_xml -lcrypto -lpthread 
-lxmlrpc_client++ -lxmlrpc++ sqlite/lib/libsqlite3.a

g++ -o src/nebula/oned src/nebula/oned.o -Lsrc/common -Lsrc/log 
-Lsrc/sql -Lsrc/host -Lsrc/mad -Lsrc/nebula -Lsrc/pool -Lsrc/template 
-Lsrc/vm -Lsrc/vmm -Lsrc/lcm -Lsrc/tm -Lsrc/dm -Lsrc/im -Lsrc/image 
-Lsrc/rm -Lsrc/vnm -Lsrc/hm -Lsrc/um -Lsrc/authm -L/usr/lib64/mysql 
-L/usr/lib64 -lxmlrpc_client++ -lxmlrpc++ -lz -lcrypt -lnsl -lm -lssl 
-lnebula_core -lnebula_vmm -lnebula_lcm -lnebula_im -lnebula_hm 
-lnebula_rm -lnebula_dm -lnebula_tm -lnebula_um -lnebula_authm 
-lnebula_mad -lnebula_template -lnebula_image -lnebula_pool -lne


Dan Yocum
Fermilab  630.840.6509
yocum at fnal.gov, http://fermigrid.fnal.gov
"I fly because it releases my mind from the tyranny of petty things."

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