[one-users] Private cloud solution using OpenNebula

Chintana Wilamuna chintanaw at gmail.com
Thu Mar 18 02:28:23 PDT 2010

Hi all,

We are experimenting with OpenNebula to build a private cloud solution
[1]. We are thinking of writing following components,

(1) A web service API just like the XML/RPC API using WSF/C [2]. The
advantage we will gain by that is, we can use WS-Security, WS-Reliable
Messaging for
the API. Also, we could be able to use MTOM to transfer vm images
rather than configuring SSH on the servers. (Normally administrators
hate to configure password-less logins :). If someone can broke into
central server, he can login to any servers without password)

(2) An admin + user portal by using WSO2 Gadget Server [3]. It will
give a lovely frontend to start/stop/manage virutal machines, physical
machines and networks. Also, we can show statistics, server load, etc.

(3) Write an identity service layer with WSO2 Identity Server[4]. This
will give the advantage that OpenNebula can work with any user store
(LDAP, Active directory, database) transparently. Also, OpenNebula can
benefit from SAML or XACML schemes supported by Identity Server.

We're more than happy to contribute above to OpenNebula. All the
dependencies we mentioned above are open source projects with Apache2

We would be grateful if you could give your opinion/advice regarding above.

[1] http://wso2.org/projects/ozone
[2] http://wso2.org/projects/wsf/c
[3] http://wso2.com/products/gadget-server/
[4] http://wso2.com/products/identity-server/



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