[one-users] error while loading shared libraries: libsqlite3.so.0

Nuno L. Ferreira nunolf at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 18:51:34 PST 2010

Dear OpenNebula team,

While following your step by step OpenNebula frontend  installation on a 
CentOS 54 x86_64, I had to update the sqlite has you suggest since the 
default version that comes with CentOS does not have all functions you 
need. I was having exactly the same problem report in one of your 
previous posts on this mailing list: 

But ... after installing sqlite  I started to have problems with several 
other programs, namely httpd, yum ...
Though the sqlite libs are in place, the programs seem not to find it, 
reporting the following:
error while loading shared libraries: libsqlite3.so.0 

I did put a more detailed report on CentOS mailing list:

What can I do to surpass such problem?

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