[one-users] OpenNebula server migration

Ruben Diez rdiez at cesga.es
Wed Jul 14 04:13:32 PDT 2010


I hope some one an help with this issue:

Currently, we have a OpenNebula (ssh flavour) server running with some 
nodes associate to it. There are several VM running in this structures, too.

But now we need to replace all our physical machines. There are no 
problem about this for the nodes: we can replace first the not used 
ones, then migrate the VMs from the old physical nodes to the news ones, 
and them replace the rest of physical nodes....

But, How can we do with the OpenNebula server?

We can install other new OpenNebula server in one of the news machines 
(with other ip), but how can we change the control of the running VMs 
from the old OpenNebula server to the new one? Perhaps it is possible to 
copy the OpenNebula database file (and some others files) from the old 
server to the new one??? Is this possible when the old and new 
OpenNebula servers have different ips???


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