[one-users] unable to start a VM

Upendra Sharma upendras at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 31 15:05:11 PST 2009


I have downloaded OpenNebul -1.1.85
I have installed it on CentOS 5.2

I am trying to create a VM (using "onevm create myvm.tmp") but it returns the result is that the VM creation is always pending

onevm list:
  ID     NAME STAT CPU     MEM        HOSTNAME        TIME
   2   TestVM pend   0       0                 00 00:00:20

 onevm show TestVM
VID            : 2                   
UID            : 0                   
STATE          : PENDING             
LCM STATE      : LCM_INIT            
DEPLOY ID      :                     
MEMORY         : 0                   
CPU            : 0                   
LAST POLL      : 0                   
START TIME     : 01/31 17:59:48      
STOP TIME      : 12/31 19:00:00      
NET TX         : 0                   
NET RX         : 0                   

....: Template :....
    CPU             : 1                   
    DISK            : READONLY=no,SOURCE=/home/upendra/nebula/images/CentOS5.img,TARGET=sda
    MEMORY          : 256                 
    NAME            : TestVM              
    NIC             : BRIDGE=eth0,IP=,MAC=00:03:c0:a8:f5:50,NETWORK=Public VLAN,VNID=0
    OS              : BOOTLOADER=/usr/bin/pygrub

I do not know what is the problem. I frankly do not know where to start the debugging from?
Any help is appreciated.

My cluster configuration is as follows: my cluster front-end is again a CentOS 5.2 machine with xen on it. I have added two more nodes on it (obelix41, obelix43)
 onehost list
 HID NAME                      RVM   TCPU   FCPU   ACPU    TMEM    FMEM STAT
   0 obelix41                    0             0    100                   on
   1 obelix43                    0             0    100                   on

Each of these machines are a quadcore dual-processor machine.



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