[one-users] Xen images with pygrub

Carlos Bernal bernal at cica.es
Fri Jan 2 02:33:10 PST 2009

Hi to all:

I'm trying to install and configure openNebula on Centos 5.2 with Xen. The VM 
built using the tools provided by Centos (virt-manager, virt-install...) are 
created using disk-image files: the file contains partitions and boot sector. The 
VM is started using pygrub. I think this format is very convenient for VM 
management but is incompatible with OpenNebula: it expects that KERNEL, INITRD, 
etc. paths are declared in the virtual machine template file.

There are plans to support this type of VM format? Is feasible to write a module 
or modify Xen driver to support this?

Thanks in advance

Carlos Bernal
Centro Informático Científico de Andalucía (CICA)
Avda.Reina Mercedes, s/n 41012 - Sevilla (España)
Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa
Junta de Andalucía

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