[one-users] Problem with ebtables-kvm script.

Gianni Dalla Torre gianni.dallatorre at cnaf.infn.it
Wed Dec 2 07:04:48 PST 2009

Hi Jaime,

Thank you for the help,
I check your advises, but everything should be all right..

Could be my problems related to the one-38 access right?
When-whom this file is created?

ls -la  /var/run/libvirt/qemu/one-38.pid
-rw------- 1 root root 5 Dec  2 13:12 /var/run/libvirt/qemu/one-38.pid

In fact I changed:
        "virsh dumpxml one-$VMID"
        "sudo virsh dumpxml one-$VMID"
and in the report, these error lines expired:
Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]: libvir: QEMU error : Domain not 
found: no domain with matching name 'one-38'
Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]: error: failed to get domain 'one-38'
Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]: error: Domain not found: no domain 
with matching name 'one-38'

but anyway the other errors are still there.


Jaime Melis wrote:
> Hi Gianni,
> I have updated the documentation for the new set of ebtables scripts:
> http://opennebula.org/doku.php?id=documentation:rel1.4:nm
> Regarding your problems, please verify the following things:
> * you have properly set the VM_HOOK configuration in oned.conf, 
> especially the remote = "yes" option, and restarted one.
> * brctl is installed in your worker nodes
> * oneadmin user has permissions to execute "sudo ebtables" and "sudo 
> virsh" in the worker nodes.
> regards,
> Jaime
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Gianni Dalla Torre 
> <gianni.dallatorre at cnaf.infn.it 
> <mailto:gianni.dallatorre at cnaf.infn.it>> wrote:
>     Hi Jaime,
>     thank you for the support, I changed the oned.conf, but I still
>     have problems (using argv[1] in the script, was the same to omit
>     start indeed).
>     Checking the vm.log seems monitor information has some problems:
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:01 2009 [LCM][I]: New VM state is BOOT
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:01 2009 [VMM][I]: Generating deployment file:
>     /srv/cloud/one/var/38/deployment.0
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:03 2009 [LCM][I]: New VM state is RUNNING
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:20 2009 [VMM][D]: Monitor Information:
>             CPU   : -1
>             Memory: 524288
>             Net_TX: -1
>             Net_RX: -1
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]: Command execution fail:
>     '/srv/cloud/one/share/hooks/ebtables-kvm one-38'
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]: STDERR follows.
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]: 14:29:03.836: error : No vport
>     operation path found for host1
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]: 14:29:03.851: error : No vport
>     operation path found for host0
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]: 14:29:03.872: error : No vport
>     operation path found for host2
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]: 14:29:03.929: warning : Cannot
>     set group when not running as root
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]: 14:29:04.119: error : Domain
>     not found: no domain with matching name 'one-38'
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]: libvir: QEMU error : Domain not
>     found: no domain with matching name 'one-38'
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]: error: failed to get domain
>     'one-38'
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]: error: Domain not found: no
>     domain with matching name 'one-38'
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]:
>     /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/encoding.rb:47: command not found: brctl show
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]:
>     /srv/cloud/one/share/hooks/ebtables-kvm:36:in `get_bridges':
>     undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]: from
>     /srv/cloud/one/share/hooks/ebtables-kvm:50:in `get_interfaces'
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]: from
>     /srv/cloud/one/share/hooks/ebtables-kvm:62
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][I]: ExitCode: 1
>     Thu Nov 26 14:29:33 2009 [HKM][E]: Error executing Hook:
>     ebtables-running.
>     Any other suggestions?
>     regards,
>     Gianni
>     Jaime Melis wrote:
>>     Hello Gianni,
>>     I'm afraid the documentation section related to the isolation of
>>     networks has not yet been properly updated 
>>     (http://opennebula.org/doku.php?id=documentation:rel1.4:nm).
>>     Please allow me one or two days to update the relevant section.
>>     In the meantime try with the following confiuration:
>>     The "oned.conf" should be:
>>     arguments = "one-$VMID",
>>     instead of
>>     arguments = "start one-$VMID",
>>     so please go ahead and change that in your oned.conf.
>>     As soon as I finish updating the configuration I will let you know.
>>     Thanks for your feedback.
>>     regards,
>>     Jaime
>>     On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Gianni Dalla Torre
>>     <gianni.dallatorre at cnaf.infn.it
>>     <mailto:gianni.dallatorre at cnaf.infn.it>> wrote:
>>         Hi all,
>>         I update my installation to the last 1.3.90 openNenbula
>>         version, and I'm trying to give some public Ip to my VM.
>>         using Bridged networking and the scripts included in the last
>>         release.
>>         But I have a problem with this script:
>>         /srv/cloud/one/share/hooks/ebtables-kvm
>>         This is the log I have:
>>         Wed Nov 25 12:41:45 2009 [VMM][D]: Message received: DEPLOY
>>         SUCCESS 36 one-36
>>         Wed Nov 25 12:41:46 2009 [HKM][D]: Message received: LOG - 36
>>         Command execution fail:
>>         '/srv/cloud/one/share/hooks/ebtables-kvm start one-36'
>>         Wed Nov 25 12:41:46 2009 [HKM][D]: Message received: LOG - 36
>>         STDERR follows.
>>         Wed Nov 25 12:41:46 2009 [HKM][D]: Message received: LOG - 36
>>         error: failed to get domain 'start'
>>         Wed Nov 25 12:41:46 2009 [HKM][D]: Message received: LOG - 36
>>         error: Domain not found: no domain with matching name 'start'
>>         Wed Nov 25 12:41:46 2009 [HKM][D]: Message received: LOG - 36
>>         /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/encoding.rb:47: command not found:
>>         brctl show
>>         Wed Nov 25 12:41:46 2009 [HKM][D]: Message received: LOG - 36
>>         /srv/cloud/one/share/hooks/ebtables-kvm:36:in `get_bridges':
>>         undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
>>         Wed Nov 25 12:41:46 2009 [HKM][D]: Message received: LOG - 36
>>         from /srv/cloud/one/share/hooks/ebtables-kvm:50:in
>>         `get_interfaces'
>>         Wed Nov 25 12:41:46 2009 [HKM][D]: Message received: LOG - 36
>>         from /srv/cloud/one/share/hooks/ebtables-kvm:62
>>         Wed Nov 25 12:41:46 2009 [HKM][D]: Message received: LOG - 36
>>         ExitCode: 1
>>         Wed Nov 25 12:41:46 2009 [HKM][D]: Message received: EXECUTE
>>         FAILURE 36 ebtables-running
>>         Wed Nov 25 12:42:10 2009 [VMM][I]: Monitoring VM 36.
>>         Wed Nov 25 12:42:11 2009 [VMM][D]: Message received: POLL
>>         SUCCESS 36  STATE=a USEDMEMORY=524288
>>         Wed Nov 25 12:42:19 2009 [InM][D]: Host 4 successfully monitored.
>>         I also had a go changing the assignation of argv[0] to argv
>>         [1] inside the script, but it didn't work.
>>         This are some information about my host configuration:
>>         I configured an OpenNebula (v 1.3.90) front-end in my pc
>>         "solaris" (Ubuntu 9.04) and installed a cluster node
>>         "omii001" (Scientific Linux CERN SLC
>>         release 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5 x86_64).
>>         I need to access my VM through ssh, so I used the Bridged
>>         networking("shared physical device") following this instructions:
>>         http://www.opennebula.org/doku.php?id=documentation:rel1.4:nm
>>         oneadmin at omii001$ brctl show
>>         bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled    
>>         interfaces
>>         br0             8000.0015c5edbf17       no              vnet0
>>                                                                eth0
>>         virbr0          8000.000000000000       yes    
>>         Setting ifcfg-eth0 and ifcfg-br0 in this way:
>>         oneadmin at omii001$ cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
>>         # Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5708 Gigabit Ethernet
>>         DEVICE=eth0
>>         BOOTPROTO=static
>>         DHCPCLASS=
>>         HWADDR=00:15:C5:ED:BF:17
>>         IPADDR=
>>         NETMASK=
>>         ONBOOT=yes
>>         BRIDGE=br0
>>         oneadmin at omii001$ cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0
>>         DEVICE=br0
>>         TYPE=Bridge
>>         BOOTPROTO=dhcp
>>         ONBOOT=yes
>>         DELAY=0
>>         And this is the template of the VM:
>>         #---------------------------------------
>>         # VM definition example
>>         #---------------------------------------
>>         NAME    = two
>>         CPU     = 1 MEMORY  = 512
>>         # --- kernel & boot device ---
>>         OS      = [ boot   = hd]
>>         # --- 1 disks ---
>>         DISK    = [
>>                source   = "/srv/cloud/one/images/debian5.img",
>>                target   = "vda",
>>                readonly = "no" ]
>>         # --- I/O ---
>>         GRAPHICS= [
>>               type    = "vnc",
>>               listen  = "",
>>               port    = "1"]
>>         # --- 2 NIC ---
>>         #NIC    = [ NETWORK = "OpenNebulaLAN",
>>         #       BRIDGE  = "wlan0" ]
>>         NIC     = [ NETWORK = "PublicVLAN",
>>               BRIDGE  = "br0" ]
>>         SAVE    = yes
>>         Some other information about my configuration are in the
>>         previous mail:
>>         http://lists.opennebula.org/pipermail/users-opennebula.org/2009-November/001202.html
>>         If someone have some advice, I would really appreciate it.
>>         Best regards,
>>         Gianni.
>>         |-----|
>>         |NOTE:|
>>         |-----|
>>         I'm not sure if it could be related, but when I compiled
>>         opennebula I had problems with some dependencies, but anyway
>>         the installation seems to work.
>>         ( I'm sure I installed all the the software dependencies
>>         listed in the "Platform Notes 1.4" page). I also read some
>>         other people had the same issue in the past, but I
>>         cannot find the solution and neither any package for Ubuntu
>>         that satisfies the requirements.
>>         oneadmin at solaris:~/one-1.3.90$
>>         <mailto:oneadmin at solaris:%7E/one-1.3.90$> sudo scons
>>         scons: Reading SConscript files ...
>>         Testing recipe: pkg-config
>>          Error calling pkg-config xmlrpc_server_abyss++ --static --libs
>>         Testing recipe: xmlrpc-c-config
>>         g++ .xmlrpc_test/xmlrpc_test.a7469a.cc
>>         <http://xmlrpc_test.a7469a.cc> -o
>>         .xmlrpc_test/xmlrpc_test.a7469a.cc.out -L/usr/lib
>>          -lxmlrpc_server_abyss++ -lxmlrpc_server++
>>         -lxmlrpc_server_abyss -lxmlrpc_server -lxmlrpc_abyss
>>          -lpthread -lxmlrpc++ -lxmlrpc -lxmlrpc_util
>>         -lxmlrpc_xmlparse -lxmlrpc_xmltok  -I/usr/include
>>         1>>.xmlrpc_test/xmlrpc_test.a7469a.cc.log 2>&1
>>         Testing recipe: pkg-config
>>          Error calling pkg-config xmlrpc_client++ xmlrpc++ --libs
>>         Testing recipe: xmlrpc-c-config
>>         g++ .xmlrpc_test/xmlrpc_test.2781fc.cc
>>         <http://xmlrpc_test.2781fc.cc> -o
>>         .xmlrpc_test/xmlrpc_test.2781fc.cc.out -L/usr/lib
>>          -lxmlrpc_client++ -lcurl -lgssapi_krb5 -lxmlrpc_client
>>         -lxmlrpc++ -lxmlrpc -lxmlrpc_util -lxmlrpc_xmlparse
>>         -lxmlrpc_xmltok -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/lib  -I/usr/include
>>         1>>.xmlrpc_test/xmlrpc_test.2781fc.cc.log 2>&1
>>         Testing recipe: pkg-config
>>          Error calling pkg-config xmlrpc_server_abyss++ --static --libs
>>         Testing recipe: xmlrpc-c-config
>>         g++ .xmlrpc_test/xmlrpc_test.6d95be.cc
>>         <http://xmlrpc_test.6d95be.cc> -o
>>         .xmlrpc_test/xmlrpc_test.6d95be.cc.out -L/usr/lib
>>          -lxmlrpc_server_abyss++ -lxmlrpc_server++
>>         -lxmlrpc_server_abyss -lxmlrpc_server -lxmlrpc_abyss
>>          -lpthread -lxmlrpc++ -lxmlrpc -lxmlrpc_util
>>         -lxmlrpc_xmlparse -lxmlrpc_xmltok  -I/usr/include
>>         1>>.xmlrpc_test/xmlrpc_test.6d95be.cc.log 2>&1
>>         Testing recipe: pkg-config
>>          Error calling pkg-config xmlrpc_client++ xmlrpc++ --libs
>>         Testing recipe: xmlrpc-c-config
>>         g++ .xmlrpc_test/xmlrpc_test.ce42a1.cc
>>         <http://xmlrpc_test.ce42a1.cc> -o
>>         .xmlrpc_test/xmlrpc_test.ce42a1.cc.out -L/usr/lib
>>          -lxmlrpc_client++ -lcurl -lgssapi_krb5 -lxmlrpc_client
>>         -lxmlrpc++ -lxmlrpc -lxmlrpc_util -lxmlrpc_xmlparse
>>         -lxmlrpc_xmltok -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/lib  -I/usr/include
>>         1>>.xmlrpc_test/xmlrpc_test.ce42a1.cc.log 2>&1
>>         scons: done reading SConscript files.
>>         scons: Building targets ...
>>         scons: `.' is up to date.
>>         scons: done building targets.
>>         -- 
>>         Gianni Dalla Torre 

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