[one-users] Feedback on Listing at teachingopensource.org

Borja Sotomayor borja at borjanet.com
Thu Apr 2 15:36:58 PDT 2009

Hi Leslie,

Thanks for all your comments. A couple replies inlined below:

> Overall, your listing is great. Since you mention you are willing to do in
> person mentoring, I would suggest listing where you have live mentors
> available at the city, state/province, country level. It will make it much
> easier for folks looking for live mentors to approach you if they know they
> can find you nearby.

Ok, I've added this.

> Your Ideas list is a bit light on skillsets required, e.g. programming
> languages, development tools (e.g. we use Subversion). Other links to
> documentation and other resources would be great; I see some listed for some
> ideas but not for others. Maybe these resources don't exist since you are a
> young project. If that's the case, would it be worth listing creating such
> resources on your site?

We actually have a fair amount of documentation, so linking to it
won't be a problem. We'll comb through the ideas list (soon) to add
the skillsets required for each project.

> I'd like to organize an IRC meeting for the folks who have signed up  on the
> teachingopensource.org FOSS Mentor Projects wiki page, and plan  to organize
> the meeting time, etc., on the teachingopensource.org  mailing list. Would
> whomever from your team is interested in attending, please ensure that
> you're signed up on this mailing list? It's pretty low traffic and I will
> prefix all messages with [MENTORS] in the subject line so you can further
> filter your mail.
> http://teachingopensource.org/mailman/listinfo/tos
> I'm hoping to schedule this meeting to take place the week of April 20th so
> this should give you some time to subscribe.

I'm on the TOS mailing list, so I'll make sure I forward all relevant
posts to everyone else in the OpenNebula team. I would really like to
attend the IRC meeting but, unfortunately (or fortunately, depending
on how you look at it), I will be at ICPC
(http://icpc.baylor.edu/icpc) all that week, except April 24th.
Anyway, I'll bring this up when we start discussing the meeting time
on the TOS mailing list (if I can't make it, one of the other
OpenNebula developers will probably be able to attend).


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