[one-users] Xen raw attribute

Ruben S. Montero rubensm at dacya.ucm.es
Thu Sep 18 12:08:36 PDT 2008

Hi Alvaro,
	We are not parsing the data attribute actually. So you should be able to put 
a fragment of  xendomain.cfg file in the data field. On the other hand, you can 
add more than one RAW in a template, that probably would produce a clearer 


On Thursday 18 September 2008 18:17:32 Alvaro Canales wrote:
> Hello users,
> I have one (little) doubt when using RAW attribute from ONE template. In
> the example, you have this:
> RAW = [ type="xen", data="on_crash=destroy" ]
> >From the example, it looks like we are trying to set Xen's "on_crash"
> attribute to destroy. But what about if we want to bypass more than one
> attribute?
> I think we would use this RAW attribute format: RAW [ [type="xen",
> data="on_crash=destroy" ] , [type="xen", data="myXenAtrribute=myValue" ] ,
> [...] ]. I'm right?
> Or can we set multiple RAW attributes (have a template with multiple RAW
> entries)?
> In the case of the first option, this would be a VectorAttribute composed
> of VectorAttributes, wouldn't it?
> Thank you for your support!
> --
> Álvaro

 Dr. Ruben Santiago Montero
 Associate Professor
 Distributed System Architecture Group (http://dsa-research.org)

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