[one-users] Cannot build the source - ONE 1.0

Javier Fontan jfontan at fdi.ucm.es
Thu Sep 11 10:34:34 PDT 2008


We are actually working on this problem. It is taking longer than we  
expected so I will try to clarify what happens in this email.

The library we use to provide xmlrpc services in one server is xmlrpc- 
c (http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/). Depending on how it was compiled  
it needs to know what libraries it needs to link with the executable.  
The standard procedure to know this is using the script provided with  
the libraries, it is called xmlrpc-c-config. You have to tell the  
script what kind of executable you are creating and it tells you the  
linking parameters you have to provide to link successfully. The  
problem is that this information is not always correct in all  
installations of this library. To overcome the issue I have created an  
script that tries to compile and link two programs with different  
options until it finds the correct libraries for that xmlrpc-c  

That very script has a bug when deleting files after it tries to  
compile test code, it does not check for the output executable to  
exist, so if in that try it could not compile the test it will break  
after trying to delete the file that does not exist. In the svn there  
is a version of the script that does checks the file before trying to  
delete it. You can get latest version using svn (svn co http://svn.opennebula.org/one/trunk 
  one) or using the track interface, going to browser and downloading  
this specific file (http://trac.opennebula.org/browser/one/trunk/share/scons/get_xmlrpc_config 
). I recomend you to use the svn procedure as we are testing one in  
more installations/linux flavors and adding recipes on how to link to  

Concerning people asking on how to debug this (not sending gcc output  
to dev null) I have to say that it is a very good idea to have some  
kind of debug or log information to get a clue on how it is happening.  
I will try to add this as soon as I can (there are still lots of tasks  
in my todo list). Meanwhile I have updated the script with two more  
recipes and it now also prints what it is trying to do so you can test  
g++ compile lines from the command line.

I hope this helps and clarify the status of the ticket.


On Sep 11, 2008, at 3:00 PM, 1o Sgt Jorge Marcelo dos Santos Mendes  

> Greetings,
> I Just downloaded the ONE 1.0 source code and still having problems  
> trying
> to compile the code, i already installed all the packages asked by  
> the ONE
> docs, my NIS, NFS and Xen configurations both in the root node and  
> work
> nodes are OK. All installed on Debian etch.
> The error is as follows:
> ~/one-1.0$ scons
> scons: Reading SConscript files ...
> share/scons/get_xmlrpc_config:186:in `delete': No such file or  
> directory -
> .xmlrpc_test/xmlrpc_test.ea64b8.cc.out (Errno::ENOENT)
>    from share/scons/get_xmlrpc_config:186:in `test_config'
>    from share/scons/get_xmlrpc_config:198:in `search_config'
>    from share/scons/get_xmlrpc_config:197:in `each'
>    from share/scons/get_xmlrpc_config:197:in `search_config'
>    from share/scons/get_xmlrpc_config:209
> OSError: 'share/scons/get_xmlrpc_config server' exited 1:
>    File "/home/oneadmin/one-1.0/SConstruct", line 72:
>        main_env.ParseConfig?('share/scons/get_xmlrpc_config server')
>    File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/Environment.py", line 1103:
>        return function(self, self.backtick(command))
>    File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/Environment.py", line 468:
>        raise OSError("'%s' exited %d" % (command, status))
> This is the #35 bug reported in:
> http://trac.opennebula.org/ticket/35#comment:6
> Any solution?
> Thank you
> Jorge
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