[one-ecosystem] [one-ovz-driver] Networking

Radosław Morytko radoslaw.morytko at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 02:01:00 PDT 2012

Hi everyone,

I'm working on a openvz hypervisor for one and I have a question
regarding processing network information during deployment of the
given vm.

My code will be responsible for applying all the configuration from
deployment file as well as, to quote from a documentation,

'When a new Virtual Machine is launched, OpenNebula will connect its
network interfaces (defined in the NIC section of the template) to the
bridge or physical device specified in the Virtual Network

I was wondering where the best place to put the code for doing all the
work is and at present the best candidate is the 'deploy' script. Am I
right or there is more appropriate solution?

Radoslaw Morytko

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