[one-users] onevm shutdown: TIMEOUT value; updating remote /var/tmp/one/vmm/kvm/shutdown scripts ??

Marco Strutz marco.strutz at desy.de
Fri Feb 18 08:03:41 PST 2011


After wondering why my VM gets properly shutdown via the "onevm shutdown
<vm_id>" acpi call but still produced the error
    "[VMM][E]: Error shuting down VM, Timeout reached"
I figured out the timeout value (TIMEOUT=20 ) in
was set to low. The vm shutdown took longer than set by the timeout-value.

The problem: Changing
does not have any effect on my cluster-nodes because they are locally using
but these scripts haven't been updated. I had to manually change the
timeout value from 20 to 60 (in /var/tmp/one/vmm/kvm/shutdown). After
that the "onevm shutdown" worked again.

Might this be a bug?
Either it would be really helpful to have a mechanism to separately
assign a timeout value to each vm or at least to be able setting a
global timeout in the frontend.


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