<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>Dear Sir,<br><br></div>I am trying to configure ldap in opennebula.<br><br></div>I have added string <b>default</b> under AUTH_MAD in /etc/one/oned.conf file.<br><br>AUTH_MAD = [<br>Â Â Â executable = "one_auth_mad",<br>
#Â Â Â authn = "ssh,x509,ldap,server_cipher,server_x509"<br>Â Â Â authn = "ssh,x509,ldap,<b>default</b>,server_cipher,server_x509"<br>]<br><br><br></div>Also I have set up the ldap.conf file with below configurations.<br>
---------------<br>Â Â Â :auth_method: :simple<br><br>Â Â Â # Ldap server<br>#Â Â Â :host: localhost<br>Â Â Â :host:Â // also can provide the hostname<br>Â Â Â :port: 389<br><br>Â Â Â # Uncomment this line for tsl conections<br>
   #:encryption: :simple_tls<br><br>   # base hierarchy where to search for users and groups<br>   #:base: 'dc=domain'<br>   :base: 'dc=iitgn,dc=ac,dc=in'<br><br>   # group the users need to belong to. If not set any user will do<br>
   #:group: 'cn=cloud,ou=groups,dc=domain'<br><br>   # field that holds the user name, if not set 'cn' will be used<br>   :user_field: 'cn'<br><br>   # for Active Directory use this user_field instead<br>
   #:user_field: 'sAMAccountName'<br><br>   # field name for group membership, by default it is 'member'<br>   #:group_field: 'member'<br>   :group_field: 'eduPersonAffiliation'<br><br>
   # user field that that is in in the group group_field, if not set 'dn' will be used<br>   #:user_group_field: 'dn'<br>----------------------------------------------<br><br></div>Do I need to provide anywhere the password of the ldap server to test its connectivity?<br clear="all">
<div><div><div><div><div><div><br>-- <br><div dir="ltr">Thanks & Regards,<div>Sudeep Narayan Banerjee</div></div>