dear opennebula team,<br><br><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><span style="text-decoration:none">i bought a dual core PC in 2007 <font size="3">-</font> Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz.
it supports </span><span style="text-decoration:none">Virtualization
Technology (VT-x) and 64 bits in<font size="3">struction</font>, but doesn't support Hyper-Threading.</span></font></font></font><br><br>i
want to install the ubuntu 12.04 64 bits server onto it and install the
OpenNebula 3.6 and the related tools to create a Cloud system for
testing and learning all the features offered by OpenNebula 3.6.<br><br>can this single PC meet the purpose for setting up this OpenNebula Cloud system?<br><br>thanks,<br>david su