Hello,<br><br>Need your help for the solution I encountered -<br><br>SCENARIO:<br><br>VM failed when I do action "Resume" from "Stop"<br><br>Therefore, to restored the VM I issued the command below from my node2 -<br>
<pre><span class="vm_log_error">virsh --connect qemu:///system restore /var/lib/one//datastores/0/3/checkpoint</span></pre>the VM was back online,however, when I checked my Sunstone Virtual Machines list the status was still on "FAILED" state. So, upated vm_pool tables and set it on to "RUNNING" and Sunstone VM status went on "RUNNING" state now.<br>
<br>PROBLEM:<br><br>When I checked the Host both on Sunstone and "onehost list" command my host/node gave me false information based on the output when I issued "virsh list" from node2. via "virsh list" running VM were 3 BUT via "onehost list" and Sunstone Hosts monitoring the Running VMs were only 2.<br>
<br>-------------<br><br>Can anyone help me for a step-by-step solution on how to fix this issues - giving us the right information from the Host after Failed VM being restored via virsh command?<br><br>Your help is very much appreciated.<br>
<br>Thank you.<br><br>Junix<br>