<pre><i>Hello,<br><br>I encountered another issues on my deployed VM. The scenario - I created a CentOS 6.2 x86_64bit image via qemu-img having a capacity of 5G which I used for my VM (in which case the logical volume (lv) capacity is 5G). <br>
BUT when I tried to install and setup mysql and dump database I DON'T have enough space for the purpose. My question is how could I address the issue. Tried to extent my lv but <br>it fails because it needs to mkfs the lv before I could extent the size of which as I understand NOT an ideal solution.<br>
<br>Please help how could I possibly allocate more disk space for this VM. And how can I do this?<br><br>Thanks again for your kind help.<br><br>Junix</i></pre>