Hello friends,<br><br>i would like to know that, "how external user can request for resources?? and how we will allocate those resources using opennebula??"<br>Ex. 1) abc is external user(means not opennebula user), how 'abc' is request for resources(let's say one VM), through sunstone or link or what??<br>
2) how 'abc' will find that cloud service provider has these much resources available??<br> 3) after finding resources available by cloud service provider(means us), how 'abc' can use those resources on its own computer/laptop??<br>
<br>please guide me regarding this??<br><br>please provide me the information related to ACL in sunstone<br><br>Small help from your side is highly appreciable...<br><br>Thanks in advance..... <br><br>