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Hi All<br><br>I am using EC2 API for user authentication but it gives me an error: USER NOT AUTHORIZED. I am working on this error for last 5 days but donno able to understand what is the exact cause.<br><br><b>[oneadmin@frontend etc]$ econe-describe-instances -K oneadmin -S <password> -U http://localhost:4567<br>econe-describe-instances: User not authorized<br></b><br>The following are the configuration of econe.conf<br><br>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>:one_xmlrpc: http://localhost:2633/RPC2<br><br># Host and port where econe server will run<br>:server: localhost<br>:port: 4567<br>:auth: ec2<br><br>:instance_types:<br> :m1.small:<br> :template: m1.small.erb<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>When i change the localhost to hostname or IP Address, error still remains same.<br><br>econe.log<br><br>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br> :port=>4567,<br> :template_location=>"/var/lib/one/etc/ec2query_templates",<br> :instance_types=>{:"m1.small"=>{:template=>"m1.small.erb"}},<br> :views=>"/var/lib/one/lib/ruby/cloud/econe/views",<br> :one_xmlrpc=>"http://localhost:2633/RPC2"}<br>== Sinatra/1.3.1 has taken the stage on 4567 for development with backup from Th<br>in<br><IP ADDRESS> - - [20/Oct/2011 19:22:03] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 500 139 0.0106<br><IP ADDRESS> - - [20/Oct/2011 19:22:05] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 500 139 0.0074<br><IP ADDRESS> - - [20/Oct/2011 19:22:06] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 500 139 0.0078<br><IP ADDRESS> - - [20/Oct/2011 19:22:07] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 500 139 0.0076<br><IP ADDRESS> - - [20/Oct/2011 19:25:39] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 500 139 0.0088<br><IP ADDRESS> - - [20/Oct/2011 19:25:41] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 500 139 0.0070<br><IP ADDRESS> - - [20/Oct/2011 19:25:42] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 500 139 0.0076<br><IP ADDRESS> - - [20/Oct/2011 19:25:42] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 500 139 0.0072<br><IP ADDRESS> - - [20/Oct/2011 19:25:43] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 500 139 0.0083<br><IP ADDRESS> - - [20/Oct/2011 19:25:59] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 500 139 0.0080<br><IP ADDRESS> - - [20/Oct/2011 19:26:00] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 500 139 0.0087<br><IP ADDRESS> - - [20/Oct/2011 19:26:01] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 500 139 0.0073<br> - - [20/Oct/2011 19:42:45] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 400 139 0.0107<br><IP ADDRESS> - - [20/Oct/2011 19:43:06] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 400 139 0.0076<br><IP ADDRESS> - - [25/Oct/2011 12:04:44] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 400 139 0.0113<br> - - [25/Oct/2011 12:05:01] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 400 139 0.0098<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br><br>m1.small.erb<br>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>NAME = eco-vm<br>#Adjust Capacity for this instance type<br>CPU = 0.2<br>MEMORY = 256<br># Put here specific OS configurations for the cloud hypervisors<br>#OS = [ kernel = /vmlinuz,<br># initrd = /initrd.img,<br># root = sda1,<br># kernel_cmd = "ro xencons=tty console=tty1"]<br><br>DISK = [ IMAGE_ID = <%= erb_vm_info[:img_id] %> ]<br><br># Put here the ID of the VNET with the IPs for the EC2 VMs<br>NIC=[NETWORK_ID= 4]<br><br>IMAGE_ID = <%= erb_vm_info[:ec2_img_id] %><br>INSTANCE_TYPE = <%= erb_vm_info[:instance_type ]%><br><br><% if erb_vm_info[:user_data] %><br>#CONTEXT = [<br># EC2_USER_DATA="<%= erb_vm_info[:user_data] %>",<br># TARGET="hdc"<br># ]<br><% end %><br>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br><br>Thanks in Advance<br><br><br>(Bharat Bagai)<br><br><br> </div></body>