<div>Hi,<br>I need to store the Data block in opennebula .<br> <br>I have installed openebula and could create the hosts and cluster . Now I want to store teh Data( say just one variable may some temprature value )<br>The following steps i'm following .<br>
<br> image.template<br>NAME = "Experiment results"<br>TYPE = DATABLOCK<br># No PATH set, this image will start as a new empty disk<br>SIZE = 2048<br>FSTYPE = ext3<br>PUBLIC = NO<br>
DESCRIPTION = "Storage for my For my tempsensor."<br> <br><font color="#ff0000">$ oneimage register image.template // command submission </font></div>
<div><font color="#000000"></font> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>#---------------------------------------<br># VM definition example<br>#---------------------------------------</div>
<div>NAME = "vm-example for temp sensor"</div>
<div>CPU = 0.5<br>MEMORY = 128</div>
<div># --- kernel & boot device ---</div>
<div>OS = [<br> kernel = "/vmlinuz",<br> initrd = "/initrd.img",<br> root = "sda1" ]</div>
<div> </div>
<div>DISK = [<br> source = "PATH of the image created",<br> target = "sd",<br> readonly = "no" ]</div>
<div> </div>
<div>DISK = [ IMAGE ="Ubuntu Server" ]</div>
<div># --- 1 NIC ---</div>
<div>NIC = [ mac="00:ff:72:17:20:27"]</div>
<div>NIC = [ NETWORK="Private LAN"]</div>
<div><br># --- VNC server ---</div>
<div>GRAPHICS = [ <br> type = "vnc", <br> listen = "",<br> port = "5"]</div>
<div># --- Context ---</div>
<div>CONTEXT = [<br> hostname = "$NAME",<br> ip_private = "$NIC[IP, NETWORK=\"Private LAN\"]",<br> ip_gen = "10.0.0.$VM_ID"]</div>
<div> </div>
<div><font color="#cc0000">$ onevm create vm.templatefortemp .</font></div>
<div><font color="#cc0000"></font> </div>
<div><font color="#000099">Will this work fine ...? If my steps or wrong pls help me ...</font></div>
<div><font color="#cc0000"></font> </div>
<div><font color="#cc0000">regards </font></div>