Hello,<br><br>I'm trying to setup an opennebula cloud using opennebula express version 2.2.0.<br><br>As the mail <a href="http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.distributed.opennebula.user/403">http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.distributed.opennebula.user/403</a> to this list says:<br>
"you need to set up your storage, virtualization, networking, users, and password-less SSH."<br clear="all"><br>I have a few questions:<br>1. Does above quoted mail applies to version 2.2.0 (i.e. Do I still need to setup storage, virtualization, networking, users and password-less SSH in v2.2.0 as the quoted mail talks of v2.0 and 1.6)?<br>
<br>2. Opennebula express documentation says that the installer does "SSH keys creation". Does this means that password-less SSH is setup for opennebula automatically by express installer?<br><br>3. My current network topology consists of 1 worker node and 1 frontend server. I installed opennebula express on frontend server. Now, how am I supposed to use "onehost create" on frontend server command to add worker nodes to host pool? From what I understand, the first second command line argument to 'onehost' should be the hostname (i.e. onehost create hostname)....right?<br>
<br>Thanks in advance...<br><br>-- <br>Amber Jain<br><a href="http://amberj.devio.us/" target="_blank">http://amberj.devio.us/</a><br><br>