Hello, dear all<br><br>I found OpenNebula is really a great product, but there is still just one feature not sure if already in OpenNebula.<br><br>As in this link: <br><a href="http://www.openstack.org/projects/compute/">http://www.openstack.org/projects/compute/</a><br>
<h3>Features of OpenStack Compute - Bexar Release</h3>
<ul class="features"><li>......<br></li><li>Database versioning and migration support, for painless migration from one version to another.</li><li style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">Instances now use copy-on-write by default for better performance.</li>
<li>Support for availability zones, through the introduction of a new scheduler: ZoneScheduler.</li></ul><br>I think the COW can greatly enhance the instances provisioning performance, is it correct? Thanks a lot.<br><br>