Hello All,<br><br>Is it possible to make <br><br>(1) x386- 32 bit architecture machine a front end and amd64 architecture machine a worker node?<br><br>(2) front-node is having low configuration (in terms of mem, CPU etc.) & worker-node have a high configuration (I'm using it for learning purpose only) ?<br>
<br>(3) I read (<a href="http://jpc.sourceforge.net/oldsite/Emulation.html">http://jpc.sourceforge.net/oldsite/Emulation.html</a>) & I got confused that does virtualization require same architecture ?<br><br>(4) I have installed opennebula using express installation but don't know how to use it? is there any link which can provide easy steps to use open nebula & a little exercise, so that I can do it on one front node & one worker node. <br clear="all">
<br>Thanks in advance<br>-- <br><div>Regards,<br><br>Vivek Shrivastava</div><br>