Hi everybody,<br><br>I would like to know if there is a failover mechanism for oned ? I'am sure that it is possible to manage this failover using MySQL as database backend on a remote server but I would like to have more details: should we use active/standby mechanism with heartbeat, is there any guidelines to do this ...<br>
Moreover, in the case of oned failure, what are the guarantees about its state and the recovery?<br>I didn't find any documentation in the OpenNebula web site this is why I post my question here.<br clear="all"><br>I have another question concerning a multi cluster management. I understand the deployment of opennebula in one cluster with one frontend node on which 'oned' is installed but what could be a deployment with several physical clusters cooperating each one running opennebula toolkit? Can we put in place a kind of hierarchy like Eucalyptus: cloud controller, cluster controller and so on ?<br>
<br>Thank you in advance.<br>Best regards,<br>-- <br>Ivan Frain<br><br>