I have some problems in compiling OpenNebula git repository.<br>I use Ubuntu Server 10.04 64bit and I've installed libxmlrpc-c3-dev (using apt-get).<br>When I launch the scons command:<br><br>$ scons<br><br>I obtain this output:<br>
<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>scons: Reading SConscript files ...<br><br>Testing recipe: pkg-config<br> Error calling pkg-config xmlrpc_server_abyss++ --static --libs<br>
Testing recipe: xml-c-config<br>g++ .xmlrpc_test/<a href="http://xmlrpc_test.c456ac.cc">xmlrpc_test.c456ac.cc</a> -o .... etc.<br><br>Testing recipe: mixed hardcoded libraries and xmlrpc-c-config (debian lenny)<br>g++ .xmlrpc_test/<a href="http://xmlrpc_test.c456ac.cc">xmlrpc_test.c456ac.cc</a> -o ..... etc.<br>
<br>Testing recipe: hardcoded libraries for Mac OS X (installed using port)<br>g++ .xmlrpc_test/<a href="http://xmlrpc_test.c456ac.cc">xmlrpc_test.c456ac.cc</a> -o ..... etc.<br><br>Error searching for xmlrpc-c libraries. Please check this things:<br>
<br> * You have installed development libraries for xmlrpc-c. One way to check this is calling xmlrpc-c-config that is provided with the development package.<br> * Check that the version of xmlrpc-c is at least 1.06. You can do this also calling:<br>
$ xmlrpc-c-config -- version<br> * If all this requirements are already met please send log files located in .xmlrpc_test to the mailng list.<br><br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
<br>If I call the command:<br><br>$ xmlrpc-c-config --version<br><br>the answer is 1.06.27.<br><br>The attached archive contains the log files located in .xmlrpc_test directory.<br><br>Have you any idea?? <br><br>Thanks,<br>
Giuseppe Biolo.<br>