<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Hello All,<br> I am using the below configuration to run the VM's using Open Nebula Express:<br><br>NAME = ttylinux<br>CPU = 0.1<br>MEMORY = 64<br><br>DISK = [<br> source = "/home/vikas/one-templates/ttylinux.img",<br> target = "hda",<br> readonly = "no" ]<br><br>NIC = [ NETWORK = "Small network" ]<br><br>FEATURES=[ acpi="no" ]<br>GRAPHICS = [<br> type = "vnc",<br> listen = "",<br> port = "5900"]<br><br>CONTEXT = [<br> hostname = "worker_node01",<br> ip_public = "",<br> files = "/home/vikas/one-templates/init.sh
/home/vikas/one-templates/id_dsa.pub",<br> target = "hdc",<br> root_pubkey = "id_dsa.pub",<br> username = "opennebula",<br> user_pubkey = "id_dsa.pub"<br><br><br>For some reason the when i run the command " onevm create ttylinux.one" the status of the VM says "Pend".... can you help me run the VM's?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Sachin Holagi<br></td></tr></table><br>