I installed one 2 beta and configured it as described in the 2.0 install instructions <a href="http://www.opennebula.org/documentation:rel2.0:ignc">http://www.opennebula.org/documentation:rel2.0:ignc</a><br><br>I did not do a system-wide install, but when i try to start it, it looks in those places:<br>
<br>oneadmin@linux-upze:~> one start<br>cat: /etc/one/oned.conf: No such file or directory<br>Can not find /usr/bin/oned.<br><br>oneadmin@linux-upze:~> which one<br>/srv/cloud/one/bin/one<br>oneadmin@linux-upze:~> <br>
<br>I used the -d option when running install.sh, so I do not understand why it is looking in the system-wide locations. Any ideas?<br><br>Ian<br>