hello,<br>i was installed open neubla in my lap running ubuntu 9.10.<br>and i was added the same machine as cluster node by the command onehost create.....<br>and i was used the below template for creating virtual machine......<br>
<br> NAME = ttylinux<br>CPU = 0.1<br>MEMORY = 64<br>DISK = [<br> source = "/srv/cloud/images/ttylinux.img",<br> target = "hda",<br> readonly = "no" ]<br>NIC = [ NETWORK = "Red LAN" ]<br>
FEATURES = [ acpi="no" ]<br>#This may be useful to debug your VMs (can use also console)<br>GRAPHICS = [<br> type = "vnc",<br> listen = "localhost",<br> port = "5902",<br> keymap="es"]<br>
<br><br>i can successfully boot two virtual machine in my lap<br>but from my third one all virtual machine are failed to boot.........................<br>my processor is i3 and i have a 4GB ram....so i expected more number of running virtual machine in this host...........<br>
so please give me a reason for this problem....<br><br>