After launching a VM (ubuntu-desktop 10) i connect to it with vnc. The Login windows appear but both the mouse and the keyboard dont work (it seems that vm freezes). Launching the wm with kvm command line (kvm -no-acpi -vnc localhost:0 ubuntu.img -m 512) it works fine!<br>
<br>I'm using opennebula 1.2 and the VM template is this:<br><br>NAME = ubuntu-desktop<br>MEMORY = 512<br>CPU=0.5<br><br>OS = [<br>boot="hd",<br>kernel="/vmlinuz",<br>initrd="/initrd.img",<br>
root="sda1"<br>]<br><br>DISK = [<br> source = "/public/lorenz/cloud/ubuntu.img",<br> target = "sda",<br> readonly = "no",<br> clone = "no"<br>]<br><br><br>GRAPHICS =[type ="vnc",listen ="", port = "5910"]<br>
NIC = [ NETWORK = "private" ]<br><br>FEATURES=[ acpi="no" ]<br><br><br><br>