Hi,<br><br>Is it normal that when you create a virtual machine and you configure one of its disk as a cdrom : <br><br>#########Open nebula VM Template #########<br>...<br>OS = [ BOOT = \"cdrom\" ]<br>...<br>DISK = [ TYPE = "<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">cdrom</span>" ,<br>
SOURCE = "/srv/cloud/one/IM_template/debian-504-i386-netinst.iso" ,<br>TARGET = "hdc" ,<br>CLONE = "no" ,<br>SAVE = "no" ,<br>READONLY = "no" ]<br>DISK = [ TYPE = "disk" ,<br>
SOURCE = "/srv/cloud/one/IM_template/test.qcow2" ,<br>TARGET = "hda" ,<br>CLONE = "no" ,<br>SAVE = "no" ,<br>READONLY = "no" ]<br>...<br>################################<br>
<br>the libvirt driver translate it like this : <br><br>#########LibVirt VM Template #########<br>...<br><os><br> <type>hvm</type><br> <boot dev='"cdrom"'/><br>
</os><br> <devices><br> <emulator>/usr/bin/kvm</emulator><br> <disk type='file' device='<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">disk</span>'><br>
<source file='/srv/cloud/one/var/94/images/disk.0'/><br> <target dev='hdc'/><br> </disk><br> <disk type='file' device='disk'><br>
<source file='/srv/cloud/one/var/94/images/disk.1'/><br> <target dev='hda'/><br> </disk><br>...<br>################################<br>
<br>That is to say the translation doesn't care about my cdrom type . And the vm failed. but if I put cdrom in the device attirbute it works ...<br><br>I searched in the code and I realized that if the type is block in the ON template the device attirbute will be set as disk and if not it will be set at disk again : <a href="http://dev.opennebula.org/projects/opennebula/repository/revisions/master/show">root</a>
/ <a href="http://dev.opennebula.org/projects/opennebula/repository/revisions/master/show/src">src</a>
/ <a href="http://dev.opennebula.org/projects/opennebula/repository/revisions/master/show/src/vmm">vmm</a>
/ <a href="http://dev.opennebula.org/projects/opennebula/repository/revisions/master/changes/src/vmm/LibVirtDriver.cc">LibVirtDriver.cc</a> line 687 to 697 ...<br clear="all"><br><br>-- <br>Florian Chazal<br>